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luxury shower curtains
15 Luxury Shower Curtains for Your Bathroom
Whilst shower curtains are a bathroom essential, they can be awkward to style. Check out our guide on luxury shower curtains and how to style them.

Shower curtains are one of those essentials that can often ruin the vibe of your tranquil bathroom space and even look a bit shabby over time. However, they do serve an important function. If you don’t have a shower screen or enclosure, shower curtains are a vital component in keeping the water from your shower spilling over onto your floor.
Luxury shower curtains are one of the best ways to utilise an essential bathroom accessory in a way that’s stylish but also ensures a high quality feel. Here we break down 15 ideas for luxury shower curtains and how they can contribute to your bathroom style.
Classy, Luxury Shower Curtains
1. Match your theme
One of the most successful ways to effortlessly incorporate a shower curtain into a bathroom is by allowing it to blend in with your theme. Pay attention to detail when it comes to your bathroom aesthetic. If you have colour accents or certain patterns, find a curtain that incorporates those flecks of colours or designs. Consider coordinating your curtain with a stylish wallpaper to bring the room together.
2. Sophisticated and modern
Modern and minimalistic aesthetics are very popular. Whilst this can be harder to achieve with a shower curtain it’s certainly possible. If you’ve gone for a monochrome aesthetic, or one inspired by neutral greys, find a shower curtain to tie into this. There are plenty of suave, modern, and elegant shower curtains that come in greys and blacks which will help you stay on theme without the room looking boring.
3. Shower blinds
One of the more luxurious curtain styles is the shower roller blinds. Whilst these can come on an array of fabrics, what makes them luxury shower curtains is their innovative design and application. Installed into your ceiling above the edge of your bath removes the necessity for shower rails which can be fiddly and ruin the flow of a room. Once dry, the curtain can be pulled up the same way you pull up a blind, meaning that when not in use your shower curtain gets neatly put away!
4. Open room concept
Sometimes you want a shower curtain to be as non invasive as possible. As great as shower curtains with colours and patterns are, sometimes that can block off part of your bathroom, making the room feel smaller than it actually is. Having a transparent shower curtain made from a material like vinyl is not only a good way to keep things open, but also vinyl is one of the easiest types of shower curtains to clean making it super practical.
5. Neat lines and geometric patterns
If you’ve incorporated geometric themes throughout your bathroom, there are also luxury shower curtains with geometric patterning to suit your style. Whilst we wouldn’t recommend utilising lots of differing patterns in a space, you can use a geometric pattern that incorporates the predominant colour of your bathroom. Alternatively, if your bathroom is quite plain, use a geometric shower curtain for a pop of colour to add some flair.
6. The traditional look

For those with freestanding baths with a shower, the traditional aesthetic should be simple for you to pull off. The rest of your bathroom furnishings should do the majority of the work when it comes to implementing the classic theme. Think traditional bathroom taps and classic vanities. When attempting this look, it’s best to keep your shower curtain a plain white. Do make sure to double check what length your shower curtains should be as for this look they may need to be extra long.
7. Ensuite bathroom
Ensuite bathrooms are super personal. As an ensuite is connected to your bedroom, you’ll want to make sure your shower curtain is personal but tasteful. There’s nothing worse than accessorising your own bathroom with something super bold just for you to get sick of it. Remember, you’ll have to see it everyday! Seeing as it’s just for you, find a simple but enjoyable style that you like, and maybe explore luxury fabric shower curtains like cotton or linen.
8. Family Bathroom
When it comes to shower curtains for family bathrooms, there’s two routes you can go down. Given that this is the bathroom that not only the whole family but potentially guests may use, you might want a shower curtain that is high quality and sleek. Alternatively, if you’re a family with young children, you might want something a tad less grown up and a bit more fun. Something nautical themed with fun patterns and sea creatures might be more your style. There’s also plenty of luxury shower curtains that strike a balance between family fun in a tasteful style.
9. Keep it simple
It’s okay to keep things simple. Simple doesn’t necessarily mean low quality. With a luxury fabric shower curtain sometimes the quality feel is all you need to make your bathroom feel clean and stylish.
10. Mimic mosaic
For a luxury shower curtain with intricate design and potentially some texture, mosaic patterned shower curtains are great. Mosaic shower curtains bring a refreshing vibe that is interesting to look at but without being too busy, thanks to the use of neutral colours.
11. Colourful and Bold
When it comes to your own bathroom, sometimes bold is best. For a pop of colour to add some exciting dynamic to a room, a luxury shower curtain can be an ideal way to achieve this. If you have a simplistic colour scheme for your bathroom tiles and want to add some colour, going for a single colour shower curtain and matching it with other bathroom accessories can really work.
12. Striped design
Stripes can be used to enhance a bathroom space, so why not implement them in your shower curtain? Different styles of stripes can have different effects on your bathroom. Thin stripes can have an elongating effect and so this might be useful for those with smaller bathroom spaces!
13. Pretty and patterned
Certain patterns, such as floral patterns, can create a really homely and comfortable environment which is ideal for a bathroom. As with other intricate designs, matching colours from the pattern with the rest of the decor in your bathroom will always help to tie the room together.
14. Fun
For those with simple bathroom decor looking for ways to make it more exciting, sometimes opting for a fun print might be the way to go. If it’s just you who uses your bathroom, or you have equally fun household members, a vibrant, bold and fun pattern or print might be what you need to spruce up the place.
15. Graphic prints
A shower curtain with a graphic print can be the ultimate way to personalise a bathroom space. Find something that matches your vibe and meets your practical needs, or even one that matches your other bathroom accessories.
We hope you feel inspired by our 15 ideas for luxury shower curtains UK!