Trade Account Credit

Trade Account Credit

Powered by Two.Inc.

  • Start paying by account with Trade Credit
  • Pay when you get paid - 30 day terms
  • Interest Free

How Does Trade Credit Work?

Gain more flexibility and keep your cashflow running smoothly with Trade Credit :

  • Access instant Trade Credit Terms - no lengthy application process
  • Apply for terms, then when approved, verify your identity with Two Inc.
  • Place your order with Victorian Plumbing using Trade Credit at Checkout
  • You will then receive an invoice for your order from Two Inc to your Business
  • Simply pay your invoice by the due date

Late or missing repayments may have serious consequences for you. Your credit rating may be affected which might make it more difficult or more expensive for you to obtain credit in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

To access instant zero-interest Trade Credit payment terms at checkout, apply to add Credit to your Trade Account. 

1. Apply using your business details, a soft credit check will then be run against those details - our provider Two Inc have a 90% acceptance rate.

2. You will have to verify your identity in order to keep the process safe and secure.

3. Once accepted and verified, you will be able to select Trade Credit as a payment method at checkout.

4. Checkout as normal using Trade Credit, and you will receive your normal Order Confirmation from Victorian Plumbing who will process the order as usual. You will also receive your invoice from Two Inc, along with your invoice due date.

5. Simply pay your due invoice by that date!

No, our credit partner Two Inc use a soft credit check which does not appear on your credit history.

We offer a 30 day credit limit, meaning your invoice date will be 30 days from your day of purchase. This will be detailed in your invoice email from Two Inc, once you have placed your order as normal.

Yes, our credit partner Two Inc uses a sophisticated anti-fraud engine that performs checks on orders and a highly skilled anti-fraud team.

They use a verification system that ensures any applications for credit under your business' details are tied to the identity they should be - you.

Yes, follow this link for more information on increasing your credit limit with our provider, Two Inc. :