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Santa Pit Stops

By Hannah

4th Dec 2024

3 mins read

Company News

Help Father Christmas Manage His Christmas Eve Bladder Blitz!

Santa Pit Stop

Christmas Eve is Santa’s busiest night of the year, and while he’s known for his speedy sleigh rides and chimney dives, there’s one challenge we don’t often think about: his bladder.

With over 28.4 million households in the UK [1] and approximately 88% celebrating Christmas [2], Santa is set to visit around 24.9 million homes to deliver gifts on December 24th. At most of these stops, it’s tradition for families to leave out a festive drink to keep Santa refreshed on his journey. Whether it’s sherry, milk, or a cheeky nip of brandy, the liquids add up.

And here’s the thing: Santa’s not superhuman when it comes to his bladder. So, with all that sipping, how often does Santa need to stop for a toilet break?


Tinkle All The Way

We’ve done the festive maths, and the results are in: Santa’s bladder has a busy night ahead. Partnering with Dr Hana Patel, NHS GP and Medico-Legal Expert Witness, we gained insight into how often the average person needs to use the loo.

“The average adult bladder can hold between 300 to 600ml of fluid before it’s completely full. This means that most adults will typically urinate around 4 to 7 times a day, depending on their fluid intake.”

Santa Pit Stop

When we apply that science to Santa, the numbers get even more interesting. If he takes a 25ml sip at every house he visits, his bladder will hit its limit after just 24 stops.

That’s right: Santa needs a loo break every 24 houses. That’s a lot of “comfort breaks” over 24.9 million households, but even the jolliest soul in the world has to answer nature’s call.

To put that into perspective, Santa’s looking at over 1 million toilet breaks in one night in the UK. 


Don't Ho-Ho Hold It! Santa's Guide to Bathroom Breaks on Christmas Eve

With Santa’s bladder working overtime this Christmas Eve, UK households are being urged to step in and help by offering him a bathroom break. Santa will need to make frequent pit stops, so whether you’re happy to let him use your guest bathroom or prefer that he head for the outdoor shed, it’s time to let Santa know your loo is available for his much-needed rest stop.

As he makes his way around the UK, Santa’s bladder will need to meet its match with your bathroom. By giving him the green light to stop by, you can help ensure he stays refreshed and on schedule, all while keeping the festive cheer (and hopefully your plumbing) intact. This Christmas, it’s up to households to make sure Santa’s journey stays smooth and comfortable—one bathroom break at a time.

Santa Pit Stop

A Helping Hand for Santa and Everyone Else

Santa’s bladder isn’t the only one under pressure at Christmas. From too much mulled wine at the office party to endless cups of hot chocolates with family, it’s the season for frequent trips to the loo. Why not make sure your bathroom is ready for the festivities? 

Santa Pit Stop

Check out Victorian Plumbing’s range of bathroom suites here.






To determine how often Santa needs a toilet break, we assumed his bladder can hold up to the maximum capacity of 600ml, according to expert Dr Hana Patel. If Santa takes a 25ml sip at every house, it would take 24 sips to fill his bladder to capacity. This means he needs to stop for a toilet break after visiting one in every 24 houses. With 24.9 million households in the UK, Santa would need approximately 1,037,500 pit stops to relieve himself during his Christmas Eve journey.



Hannah is one of our bathroom bloggers here at Victorian Plumbing. She'll be posting updates on the latest bathroom trends and decorating tips. Look out for her expert 'how to' step-by-step DIY guides too!

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