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Our Latest Competition Winners

By Alex

1st Jan 2014

3 mins read

Company News

We are pleased to announce the winners of our latest competitions, and look ahead to more chances to win in the future.

Black Samsung TV

Contacting competition winners is one of our favourite jobs here at Victorian Plumbing - their excitement is so infectious, and it feels so good to be surprising someone with a gift - so we are looking forward to doing it again and again this year - so make sure you don't miss any opportunities to enter!

TV Winner

As part of our ongoing rewards programme that aims to give back to our loyal customers, we run a monthly competition with a chance to win a state-of-the-art, flat screen TV.

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is submit a review once you have received your order. This allows us to get a genuine, authenticated opinion on our process, our service and our products, and in return, we give you the opportunity to win a brilliant piece of kit for your home.

Last month we randomly drew winner, Eileen, from London, and had the pleasure of informing her that should would receive a brand new Samsung 32" flat screen TV, just in time for Christmas!

As you would expect, Eileen was as delighted with her new TV as she was with her purchases from Victorian Plumbing, and sent us this fantastic picture of the moment of un-boxing.

Ipad Winner

It has become something of a Christmas tradition at Victorian Plumbing that every Christmas we like to set up a competition for our customers and readers so we can give them a nice treat in time for the holidays.

This year our competition was to answer a festive-themed question about Santa’s favourite Reindeer. All those who answered Rudolph correctly were placed into a draw with a chance to win a fantastic Ipad Air.

The winner can be revealed as Jill H, from Port Talbot, who was delighted to receive such a nice gift in time for the holidays. Her brand new Ipad Air features stunning retina display and twice the CPU performance and graphic ability of older models - the perfect way to get your Christmas off to a good start!

With yet another winner to be announced soon, we are really enjoying making all these nice phone calls and making lots of loyal customers even happier with the Victorian Plumbing experience.

Remember to visit us again soon to keep up to date with our latest competitions, style guides and handy DIY tips, so you never miss out.


Victorian Plumbing



Alex is one of our bathroom bloggers here at Victorian Plumbing. You'll find him regularly blogging about fun bathroom ideas and trends as well as writing expert 'how to' step-by-step DIY guides.

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