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britain s bathroom habits
Britain's Bathroom Habits
In our recent anonymous survey of 1,000 Britons we unearthed the good, the bad and the bizarre of the nation's bathroom habits!

When it comes to using the bathroom, we're all culprits of one thing or another. Whether it's leaving the seat up or not replacing the toilet roll; it appears that us Brits have some habits that are good, bad and just downright disgraceful!
Here at Victorian Plumbing, we surveyed 1,000 (very honest) British people to get an idea of what bathroom habits we all have.
Check out the Britain's Bathroom Habits Infographic below to see where you fit in!

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<p><a href="/bathroom-ideas-and-inspiration/britain-s-bathroom-habits"><img src="https://images.victorianplumbing.co.uk/images/Britains-Bathroom-Habits-Infographic-Victorian-Plumbing.png" alt="Britain" style="width: 100%;" /></a><br />
<strong>Image Credit: <a href="">Victorian Plumbing</a></strong></p>