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Britain's Bathroom Habits

By Alan

23rd Aug 2018

3 mins read

Company News

In our recent anonymous survey of 1,000 Britons we unearthed the good, the bad and the bizarre of the nation's bathroom habits!

Britain's Bathroom Habits Poster

When it comes to using the bathroom, we're all culprits of one thing or another. Whether it's leaving the seat up or not replacing the toilet roll; it appears that us Brits have some habits that are good, bad and just downright disgraceful!

Here at Victorian Plumbing, we surveyed 1,000 (very honest) British people to get an idea of what bathroom habits we all have.

Check out the Britain's Bathroom Habits Infographic below to see where you fit in!

Britain's Bathroom Habits Infographic

If you enjoyed this infographic then feel free to share it with others. Who knows, maybe you know somebody who has some very similar habits or just want to get the edge in an age-old debate. Either way you can hit the sharing options for social media below or, if you're the blogger-type, simply copy the code below and embed straight to your website.

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<p><a href="/bathroom-ideas-and-inspiration/britain-s-bathroom-habits"><img src="https://images.victorianplumbing.co.uk/images/Britains-Bathroom-Habits-Infographic-Victorian-Plumbing.png" alt="Britain" style="width: 100%;" /></a><br />
<strong>Image Credit: <a href="">Victorian Plumbing</a></strong></p>



Alan is one of our bathroom bloggers here at Victorian Plumbing. He likes writing helpful articles on bathroom trends and ideas. As well as writing his specialist buying guides, Alan can be found here sharing his expert 'how to' step-by-step DIY guides. When he isn't posting on the blog, he likes surfing the web for top bathroom tips and useful customer advice.

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