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Bathroom Layout Planner

By Trinity

26th Apr 2022

4 mins read

Company News

Our easy-to-use bathroom planner allows you to design your bathroom online, to find out which Victorian Plumbing products work best in your space.

Online Bathroom Builder Poster

Use our 3D Online Bathroom Planner to get your dream bathroom layout


When you’re ready to start your bathroom renovation, planning is one of the most important parts. That’s why we’ve made it easy!

By using our online bathroom designer, you can enter the details of your bathroom space, and immediately begin building your dream bathroom layout.

Our user-friendly planner provides you with a 3D render of your digital bathroom. You can customise the bathroom space to the size of your own bathroom, as well as add any doors and windows that your real bathroom has.

3D Bathroom Planner Design
Bathroom plan created by Victorian Plumbing design expert Ahlam

Within our planner you can add a variety of bathroom furniture, from baths and showers to tiles and taps, all in an array of styles and designs.

It’s also useful to note that this can be done whilst you keep track of your costs with our running total feature, which is ideal for those wanting to stick to a budget.

How to use our bathroom planner:

Step One: Open the bathroom layout planner

Our bathroom planner can be easily accessed whenever whilst navigating our site. Simply click on the 'Bathroom Planner' button located at the very top of the website header. This will take you through to the planner where you can choose to create a new design or continue planning a previous one.

Bathroom Planner Main Menu
Opening menu featuring bathroom plans by Victorian Plumbing design expert Antonia

Step Two: Add your dimensions

To keep things simple we have three basic bathroom layouts for you to choose from: square, rectangular, and L-shaped. Not to worry if your bathroom doesn’t look exactly like one of these layouts. We also give you the option to adjust the dimensions of your digital bathroom in order to match your own bathroom as accurately as possible.

Bathroom Planner Dimensions Page

Step Three: Start creating

Here’s where the fun begins! On a super simple and easy-to-use side menu, we have a catalogue of all the bathroom furniture you might need for your design. Within each category we have an impressive variety of products to suit anyone’s personal aesthetic. From wet room screens, to matt black taps and wall hung mirrors, this isn’t your basic bathroom planner!

Bathroom Planner Featuring Side Catalogue Menu
Bathroom plan created by Victorian Plumbing design expert Brenna

Step Four: Keep your design

What’s great about our online bathroom designer is your plan is automatically saved should you decide to revisit it at a later date. Alternatively, use our HD snapshot feature so that you can have a downloaded version of your bathroom plan to refer to whenever.

Once you’re happy with your design, you might want to start purchasing some of the items so that you can replicate your digital bathroom exactly as you planned it. By clicking on the total cost of your bathroom design, this will bring up a helpful summary of all your selected bathroom furniture. Simply click on an item you wish to purchase which will take you through to the product page if you’re ready to begin building your dream bathroom in real life.

Bathroom Planner Cost Summary

Bathroom Planner features:

  • Customisable dimensions
  • Window and door inserts
  • A variety of products at your disposal
  • Easy to add items to basket
  • HD snapshot
  • 360° view

So, if you’re ready to start designing your digital bathroom, click here!

Whether you’re ready to start building the bathroom of your dreams (or just looking to use our online bathroom designer like you’re playing the sims), it’s easy to use and has a great variety of digital products to encompass anyone and everyone’s personal taste.



Trinity is one of our expert bloggers in bathroom design and DIYs. Read her blog posts for the latest coverage of style trends and easy-to-follow guides.

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